Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Snowy Adventure....

Last night was Chels and my monthly date with Grams. It started to snow while we were both driving over to her place, and by the time we got in the building it was a full blown blizzard. We walked into the cafeteria since it was about 5:10 at this point, but she wasn't there. We walked towards her room where she was waiting at the end of the hall. As we got closer she started smiling from ear to ear and put her hands on her hips and yelled "WELL..." We got to her and she put her arms around both of us and send, we are GOING to dinner, I need to get out.

We showed her the blizzard that was occurring behind her, but she still wanted to go. So we said we would go to the Mexican restaurant across the street, she didn't respond which means "No" in Grams language. Chels said "What about a cheeseburger?" And she quickly responded "YES!" We decided that McDonald's, although disgusting, was the closest cheeseburger we could get and probably the best option due to the storm.

As we walked out she said "Why didn't you tell me it was snowing?" Which I laughed at and told her I showed her and told her about on 3 separate occasions. We got to McDonald's safely, and sat down to our food. She ate almost all of her cheeseburger, and had about half of an 8 oz chocolate shake. She was in a fabulous mood the entire time we were with her. She never brought up the fact that Grandpa Harold wasn't there, she was just happy and content. She was definitely herself last night.

She had us run to the Ream's to get more hemorrhoid ointment, which it seems like I go and get with her every time I visit. She also got a notepad because she SWORE she was out. I am sure she has a cabinet full of ointment and notepads, but I figured that it wasn't sleeping pills, so it wasn't the worst thing she could have a stock of.

The night ended with me escorting her back to her room from the car. She was content and happy as I left her. It was good to see her in such a chipper mood.

I have one last little side note, I must say I am a little sad to see that I was the last person to post. I truly enjoy hearing from all of you. Not only to hear about Grams' status, but also to read something you wrote. I don't get to see any of you very often, and I love to keep in touch at least this way. So here's to hoping I get to read a few posts before my April visit with Grams.

Love you all!