Friday, October 22, 2010

Sleeping Pills and Cheiko Okazaki

Marissa and I went to visit Grandma yesterday and we took the Peach with us. When we got there Gram was in the Dining Room because one of the new residents was having a birthday party. Gram was in there at a table with some friends and Miss and I sat down and met them. Everyone there was really nice and the baby was keeping everyone entertained.

The lady who was having the birthday was a new resident, an adorable white-haired Japanese lady named Cheiko. In addition to the cake that Coventry had for her, Cheiko bought eclairs for all the residents (Gram took three back to her room with her.) We all sang Happy Birthday to her and I didn't think much more about it.

When we got back to Gram's room, there was a flier to remind everyone about the birthday party and it said that the birthday girl was Cheiko Okazaki. She is the new resident at Coventry! So I told Gram that if this place was good enough for Cheiko Okazaki, she was in good company :)

Miss and I put on the Sound of Music and I made some kind of joke about how Gram is obsessed with South Pacific. Without missing a beat, Gram started singing "Some enchanted ceiling..." Miss and I looked at each other and laughed so hard. I think that is going to be my next song creation :)

While we were there Gram kept asking us to get her some more sleeping pills. Unisom is her brand of choice. We said we would stop by the store and get her some. Then she said that she really needed to go shopping for some winter shoes. I looked down at her feet and she was wearing sandals. So we said yes, of course, we will take her shoe shopping to get some new shoes.

After we left, I called my mom to tell her about our fun visit and that we met Cheiko Okazaki and didn't even know it. When I told her that we were going to pick her up some sleeping pills she said, "No, she has lots of bottles in her bathroom; she doesnt need anymore." I guess Gram has a full supply of pills and just forgets that they are there. She just sees an empty bottle and figures she needs more and doesn't remember that she has other bottles waiting for her. When I told her about the shoes, mom laughed and said that she and Kathy have taken her on several shopping trips recently and she has new shoes, and new coat and several other new items.

So family, I think the best thing to do when Gram tells you she needs something is to always check with Kathy, Dave, or Colleen before you buy something for her. It sounds like she is forgetting about her new stuff. Other than that, Gram is happy and doing better and better each day. She loves her new hair stylist and she LOVES the Halloween decorations that Jen came and put up in her house.

The November calendar is coming this week so that we can keep this great momentum going.

Love you, family!


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