Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Livin' it up with Hilda

Realizing I only had about 20 minutes for a visit with Grandma yesterday, I decided to call her and ask her to accompany me to an appointment I had on Highland Dr. in the afternoon. At first she said that she'd already been out to see the dentist with Dave in the morning. So I just talked with her for a while as I drove. At the end of the phone call she said she'd changed her mind and that she did want to go with me.

When I got to Coventry she was all ready with her shoes and bag. (Hanging the pictures on the wall really made a difference to the sitting area, Colleen). The appointment I had was for acupuncture, so I warned Grandma about all the needles. She asked if they did flu shots there, too. LOL.

When we arrived she was all talkative and bubbly with the people in the office. I found it to be very humorous. She was eager to add to the conversation. While I was talking to the doc and receptionist about the race I'd run over the weekend, she kept interrupting to tell us about foot races she ran when she was a child in Oakley. It was a good reminder to me how much I need to keep her the center of attention when I'm with her. Everyone in the office was very sweet to her. I was surprised how much she loved being there.

I was going to take her right home afterward because I needed to get the kids from school. But, I have to admit that she tricked me into getting her a chocolate shake. I say "tricked" because I hadn't read Megan's post yet, and I was under the impression that she hadn't had one for several days. LOL. I should have known better. I will be stronger against her pressures in the future, assuming that someone else will have gotten her a shake ;-)


  1. Maybe we should keep a shake tracker on this blog. We can tally up how many she is REALLY eating... :) Who knew Grams could be so sneaky?!

  2. Grandma mentioned to me today that she went with you because you had to get a shot since you ran a marathon. She seemed very confused as to why you needed a shot. She also told me those same stories about the foot races.
